Observations: What cold showers, going to an adventurous trip, changing home or job has in common

4 min readJan 11, 2021

Case 1 — Changing the apartment:

I want to change the apartment. I got sick of the place and wanted to move to a nicer, more lively neighborhood for a change. I got a place in a neighborhood I wanted to live in. Well, it’s exciting, and could not wait to move, but the closer the day got, I felt more and more comfortable and cozy at my current home and start even liking it more. “Look, how nicely birds are singing at the windows. Why don’t I stay here, it’s such a nice place I could easily stay for a couple of more months”. Familiar? Comfort zone striking hard not to make the change. Lazy to pack all the stuff.

The day comes, I’ve moved. I “love” the new apartment immediately and thanking myself I did not change my mind last minute.

Case 2 — Changing job:

I am sick of that time’s current job. It’s stressful. It’s not giving much, I am not giving much. I decided to quit. Right after the decision is made the place becomes the “ perfect place to work”. Questions come again: “Why do you leave? You are so good here, it’s safe. Your colleagues are so nice. Look, all is going so well (just only for another week I guess)”.

I quit, I start a new job. I immediately feel “Ugh, that was so good idea, change is so good and right on time”.

Case 3 — Going to adventure:

I had that exciting bike trip planned to travel to south Germany and Austria. I could not wait for the day. The day came, I had to pack. I am excited but at the same time stressed. I started to become more and more anxious. Even though it was pleasant and amazing in my head, the voice still came: “What are you gonna do alone on the way. Why don’t you book a hotel and chill out somewhere and bike casually? How are you gonna carry the heavy bag, when you have not trained? How can you camp alone, how will you find a place to camp? How are you gonna take all the uphills, when the only place you cycled all the season is Tempelhofer field?”.

No, I can’t cancel the plan. It will violate my values and I knew, I would lose self-respect. That pushes me to move.

I set everything up, I start to ride, immediately my fear is gone and my face is covered with a big smile. It’s the right choice! It ended up the most beautiful trip I’ve done so far. Realizing I could miss it if I would chicken out last minute made my future decisions easier.

Case 4 —Move abroad:

I want to give up the apartment and move to Portugal. I love the idea and again super excited. The time comes by, I stress again: Why am I moving, I love Berlin (now I love another place better :D), I already have a good life. What do I want? Why don’t I just stay and do the same things the same way?

Luckily, I had journaled my previous experiences, and taking a look back at how I almost missed “the most beautiful and transformative trip of my life” made it easier to decide: I am going to Portugal!

I arrive in Lisbon, love instantly, love at first sight, it feels exactly like a home, I don’t wanna leave. (Now I am battling with myself to move to Lagos, not winning yet, still have work to do :D)

Case 5 — Cold showers:

I love cold showers, it’s such an exercise daily for the brain. I love the challenge. But it does not get easier any day. It’s incredible to see how many amazing ideas my brain comes up with why I should not be doing it, right before I am about to jump under the cold water. Sometimes, I almost got fooled, but recognizing it every time and conquering it gives so much power and a winning mindset. It can literally change my day from “I wanna be couch potato” to “I am gonna get things done”, “It’s such a lovely day to be alive” :-D


Different events, the same pattern. In all of the described cases, at the last minute, my inner voice came up with ideas “Why I should not do it”. But focusing on motivation and based on previous experiences, I was able to spot and win over it.
Our brain works against us. It wants to keep us safe in the cave and never leave, whilst our mind wants us to grow and expand. It’s important to recognize these moments and don’t let them hold us back from a better life and a better self!

And most likely I have fight to win about publishing this post as well, because, I guess, who cares?! and grammar… 😏

